Łihè niyajè shë̀k – Our sisters together, always


October 4th is recognized as Sisters in Spirit to remember missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and Two Spirit folks while also fighting to end colonialist violence. In Dawson we are gathering on Monday, October 5th.

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Massive mähsi cho to the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Heritage Department for creating and sharing Hän language around Sisters in Spirit.

Niyajè chʼonkʼą̈̀ zhìt hänjit tr’ädäl - We walk for our sisters in spirit

Łihè niyajè shë̀k – Our sisters together, always

Łihè niyajè hädä̀l – Together, our sisters, they are walking (or together, our sisters are walking)

Niyajè, huwè tr’ädä̀l – Our sisters, we walk with them

Niyajè, hädätr’ënidhän – Our sisters, we love them

Łihjè - Sisters (to each other)

Łihjè shë̀k - Sisters (to each other), always.

Niyajè – Our sisters (but literally our older sisters)

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